Things You Never Knew About Emojis
From their international origins to the latest literary “emojification” to Emojot’ innovative Emotion Sensors®, learn more about these quirky characters’ past, present, and future. Your friend sends you a hilarious text, and you respond with the “crying laughing” emoji. You text your significant other a “winky face.” Your mom sends you a Thanksgiving message with a heart and a tiny turkey. These are probably at least somewhat familiar experiences. According to a recent report in WIRED magazine, “fully 92 percent of all people online use emoji now, and one-third of them do so daily.” WIRED even goes so far as to suggest that the rise of emoji represents “the birth of a new type of language.” More than likely, these little graphics and symbols have changed the way you communicate with friends, loved ones, coworkers, and virtually everyone else. However, despite their ubiquity, chances are, you don’t actually know very much about the characters you use. At Emojot, we’re revolutionizing the worlds of business, human resources, and entertainment, all with emojis, so we know quite a bit about them. We love sharing our infectious enthusiasm for emojis with our clients and showing them these symbols’ hidden power. In the following blog, we describe the top five things you never knew about emojis. 1. These quirky characters hail from Japan. While they are immensely popular around the globe, emojis were originally created in Japan. In fact, the word “emoji” is a combination of the Japanese words for “character” and “picture.” As Digital Trends explains, Shigetaka Kurita was the “designer of the first emojis for cellphones…[who] first created emoji while he was a member of a team that, at that time, was preparing for the debut of…the world’s first mobile Internet system.” The advent of emojis on this project was back in […]