Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Uses Emojot to Gain Dealer Insight as They Prepare for the “New Normal” in Selling Vehicles

The Covid-19 crisis has upended life as we knew it. Preparing for a “new normal”, one of USA’s largest automobile manufacturers, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), has started to re-imagine the vehicle selling process. FCA is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, and has more than 2600 dealerships across the United States. FCA has a culture of engaging with their dealership stakeholders in order to understand their on-the-ground realities when making strategic decisions. As the Covid-19 crisis forced businesses across the United States to shutter up, FCA has started to explore how they could adapt their vehicle selling processes in the “new normal” to cater to Americans emerging from their shelter-at-home period. Amongst the strategies they are considering are how they could systemize remote new vehicle delivery options for sales and test drives. FCA has been using the Emojot platform to regularly and effectively engage with their dealership network stakeholders who are at the frontline of selling and delivering vehicles, parts, and services, for the Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Fiat, Ram, and Maserati brands. When FCA needed to get quick feedback on remote vehicle delivery and test drive scheduling software options for their post-Covid19 planning, they turned to Emojot to rapidly deploy a 2-minute visual survey. Emojot deployed the campaign for FCA in less than 6 hours. The geo-map below shows the coverage density of the survey respondents from FCA dealerships who responded while “working from home”. Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have consistently received high response rates amongst FCA dealership stakeholders, and this campaign which was launched in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis followed the same trend, both in terms of quantitative question responses as well as qualitative comments. Since Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have intelligence on the front end, we are able to provide FCA with the added insight on role segmentation, and […]

How to Create a Life-long, Emotional Connection with Guests via CXM

The restaurant industry is a high-risk business proposition. With the influx of competition working their way up the ladder of success, you are expected to perfect your restaurant offerings and services – for your guests as well as your employees. The key to success is to focus on customer engagement initiatives that facilitate keeping in touch with your guests, understanding their restaurant experiences, and encouraging them to increase the frequency of their visits. Did you know that 60% of businesses fail in the first year? There is a lot at stake here. To outrun your competition, how would you ensure your restaurant’s success? For starters, understand the pain points faced by your Restaurant? Do you: find it difficult to understand your customers’ journey, build a good rapport with them or retain them? struggle to obtain customer information and implement a successful loyalty program? fail to incentivize your employees in order to motivate them and increase their productivity levels? feel like your personalization strategies are limited and add no value to the customer conversations you are trying to invest in? feel like you are unable to keep up with technological advancements that have revolutionized solely for customer engagement? Secondly, understand the importance of customer experience (CX) initiatives. Customer experience (CX) initiatives provide an outside-in view of the customer experience. Without these initiatives, it is difficult to, understand the customer journey, quantify customer sentiment and perceptions, Identify improvement opportunities, and, measure the impact of customer experience initiatives. If these initiatives are implemented accurately, your restaurant will generate: 69% increased loyalty 68% increased sales 67% increased referrals Thirdly, understand the criteria for selecting a customer experience management platform (it should essentially address your pain points) Find the right partner to help act on your strategy to drive guest conversions and retention into revenue. […]

An Introduction to Customer Experience Management

If you own or run an enterprise, you know that your customers are the bedrock of your business. The way they think and feel about your brand color every choice they make. Every time you design a new product, release an improved service, mock up an advertisement, write a press release, call a client, ship an order, or perform numerous other vital actions, you influence your customers’ perception of your brand. Of course, with this in mind, maintaining good relationships with your clients can start to seem monumentally overwhelming. Taking on this aspect of your business might leave you with more questions than answers. What if your customers don’t like your new website design? How would they feel if you raised your prices slightly? Why didn’t they respond to the commercial you painstakingly filmed? Fortunately, there are twenty-first century tools you can use to answer these very questions and tackle this particular part of modern business. This is where Customer Experience Management comes into play. Today’s advanced technology can help you understand, foster relationships with, and, ultimately, profit from your customers better than ever before. Emojot’s products are at the cutting edge of this growing field. In the following blog, we introduce you to Customer Experience Management and explain our outstanding offerings in this area. What is Customer Experience Management? You may have heard the term “Customer Experience Management” thrown around online or at conferences, but if you don’t understand it’s full definition, then it will mean little more to you than a collection of buzzwords. Customer Experience Management actually has quite a precise meaning, as defined by Tech Target: “Customer experience management (CEM or CXM) is the collection of processes a company uses to track, oversee, and organize every interaction between a customer and the organization throughout the customer […]
The History of Emovyz Powered by Emojot

The History of Emojot

A Play by Play of the Company’s Vision, its Earliest Inception, and a WIP Towards a Continuous Mission in the Technology Space There is always a distinct history behind any organization – how it began, its first steps, important milestones achieved and the people who have worked towards making its initial vision a reality. Our vision which eventually became a reality was Emojot – a company that has grown remarkably over the past few years. So, sip on a cup of coffee (or tea if you like!) as we take you through a stroll down memory lane on how it all began. So, How Did it All Begin? Our company’s vision – to be the global leader in customer experience solutions with our emotion-based customer/employee/audience engagement solutions – was given its roots when our very own CEO, Dr. Shahani Markus was a lecturer at the University of Moratuwa, a top-notch university, that had a reputation for producing some of the most intelligent graduates within the Sri Lankan tech industry. Dr. Markus was an inspirational mentor to her students and was responsible for supervising the university’s final year projects. With her vision of encouraging students to create startups, she bootstrapped a product concept with two of her students – Andun Sameera and Sachintha Rajith in 2014. The founding team also included Dr. Markus’ colleague Manjula Dissanayake, who came with prior experience in the product space. In 2014, Emojot’ magic began with these 4 special and dynamic individuals. Converting Initial Meetings into Positive Proceedings With our founding team at Emojot working hard and overcoming the challenges that came their way, we were fortunate enough to be named as one of the top 3 event technologies at a conference held in Australia in 2015. This was certainly a massive stepping stone for us. Our success […]

How Using Emotional Intelligence Enhances the Customer Experience

This is a given. Having emotionally intelligent employees will help any organization dive into the great divide of providing a spectacular customer experience, at any given point in time. Are you aware that 90% of top performers in various businesses have ‘Emotional Intelligence’ in common? Their levels of self-awareness and self-management get them ahead and may even outrank their colleagues who have elevated levels of IQ – because IQ is simply not enough – when trying to satisfy your end customers. Now you must wonder what ‘Emotional Intelligence’ really is. It is simply the ability for an individual to recognize their own emotion alongside other people’s emotions, distinguish between different feelings and label them correctly, use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve their goals. In the business world, high EQ levels in leaders will certainly foster stronger emotional connections with employees. But, do keep in mind that it’s also important to encourage your employees to utilize an EQ approach in their day-to-day responsibilities, especially, in terms of nurturing meaningful customer experiences to increase brand loyalty and to increase your customer base – because you can never get enough of an increasing, loyal army of followers. Emotional Intelligence is for Everyone EQ is for everyone – starting from your front-line managers to your front-line executives. There is no difference there. If you look at your front-line customer executives, they have to deal with various customers who are indifferent, hostile and simply difficult and it can be a nightmare for them. And its obvious that situations of this nature can wear out these executives down, reduce a positive attitude towards their work and result in low levels of employee engagement. You wouldn’t want that, now would you? When you provide a […]

The science of emotions with Emojot’s Emotion Sensors®

For years, people have struggled to define and categorize emotions. Emotions are illusive, ever-changing and completely intangible. To solve the mystery, scientists have begun to study emotions, and it has raised some interesting discoveries. Here are 5 interesting facts about the science behind emotions: 1. You can actually see emotions Well, in a sense. Studies have shown that people across different cultures and other demographics “feel” emotions in the same way. A recent study asked participants to map out where on their bodies they felt emotions. For example, anger activated people’s arms and chest, whereas depression added weight people’s legs. The participants’ maps were shockingly similar. Interested in this study? The researchers have put it online for you to take part in here. The map of participants’ emotions. There was nearly complete overlap. 2. There are really only four emotions Building on Robert Plutchik’s famous Wheel of Emotions, recent studies have reduced the emotional spectrum to four “umbrella” emotions: happy, sad, angry/disgusted, and afraid/surprised. Similar to Plutchik’s wheel, which has all emotions building on eight base emotions, this new theory says that we only have four biological responses to stimulants. These responses trigger facial expressions, changes in pulse, and bodily reactions in only four different ways. The wide range of emotions that we know and have experienced is just an evolution of one of the basic emotions. Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions 3. Stomach butterflies exist (sort of) We’ve all had that feeling. Nervous for a presentation or excited for a date. Our stomach flutters in a feeling that can only be described as “butterflies.” Obviously there are no butterflies flapping inside of our stomachs, but emotions like excitement or nervousness actually does trigger a physical sensation in our stomachs. The “fluttering” feeling actually is the sudden loss of blood flow in your stomach as your body races to release […]