Emojot Secures Coveted ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certification, Elevating Customer Data Security to New Heights

Emojot, a leader in AI-powered customer experience (CX) solutions, today announced its achievement of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, the internationally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS). This prestigious certification underscores Emojot's unwavering commitment to safeguarding customer data and ensuring the highest levels of information security

Emojot Shines: Receives the Prestigious “Capterra 2023 Best Value” Badge

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are in a constant search for platforms that offer both excellence and value. Leading the charge in customer-centric digital transformation is Emojot, which has recently been crowned with the esteemed “Best Value” Badge for 2023 by Capterra, one of the most recognized software and service review platforms in the industry.

How Emojot’s AI-Driven Online Reputation Management Can Boost Your Hospitality Business

Emojot’s award-winning ORM tool helps hospitality businesses monitor, manage, and improve their online reputation across multiple review platforms, such as TripAdvisor, Booking.com, Google, and more. Emojot leverages artificial intelligence to provide robust capabilities for monitoring online reviews and generating AI-powered response suggestions, keeping businesses at the forefront of their brand narrative.

Strategies for Managing Negative Reviews: Emojot’s ORM Solutions

In the age of online commerce, negative reviews can spell the difference between growth and stagnation. Addressing this pressing issue, Emojot offers state-of-the-art Online Reputation Management (ORM) solutions. This white paper delves into the challenges presented by negative feedback and presents Emojot's innovative strategies for effective management.

Redefining Social Listening in the Age of AI: An Introduction to Emojot’s SLT

In an age where digital conversations shape consumer perceptions, the tools used to monitor and interpret these conversations play a pivotal role. As social listening has matured, the intersection of this domain with Artificial Intelligence promises unprecedented insights. This paper introduces Emojot's SLT, a cutting-edge tool that represents the next generation of social listening.

Harnessing AI to Manage Your Online Reputation

In today's digital era, a brand's online reputation is pivotal to its success. Negative reviews can significantly influence consumer trust, making online reputation management tools indispensable. Emojot's ORM tool stands out, utilizing the robust capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) to safeguard and enhance a brand's digital image.

Leveraging Generative AI to Elevate Customer Experience:
The Emojot Way

The customer experience (CX) realm is continuously evolving, fueled by emerging technologies. Among these technologies, Generative AI has emerged as a potent tool to revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers, significantly improving customer experience. One pioneering player in this field, Emojot, uses Generative AI in its customer experience management solutions to help businesses excel in the ever-competitive market.

Mastering the Art of Measuring Customer Experience

In today's competitive business environment, customer experience (CX) has become a crucial differentiator. The measurement of CX, covering all customer interactions with a business, is essential for enhancing customer satisfaction. Techniques include customer surveys, focus groups, social media monitoring, and customer journey analytics. Innovative tools like Emojot provide real-time analytics and predictive insights across the customer journey, supplementing traditional methods. These technologies help businesses not only measure but also improve CX, fostering a customer-centric culture necessary for success in the modern marketplace.

The Benefits of Using Emojot for Customer Experience Management: Transforming Customer Feedback into Actionable Insights

Customer Experience Management (CXM) has become a top priority for businesses striving to retain existing customers and attract new ones in today's hyper-competitive marketplace. The Emojot CXM platform, powered by its unique Emotion Sensors™ and generative AI capabilities, delivers an innovative approach to capturing, understanding, and acting on customer feedback across the entire customer journey.

Unlocking Growth for SMEs: How Generative AI Can Transform Customer Experience Management

Experience Management In the modern business landscape, where competition is fierce and customer expectations continue to soar, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) find themselves in a unique predicament. How can they provide the same level of customer experience as their larger counterparts without the luxury of extensive resources? The answer lies in harnessing the power of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Leveraging the Emojot Platform for Unparalleled Customer-Centric Success

In a world where the global economic landscape is constantly evolving, B2B and B2C businesses are faced with the challenge of maintaining strong customer relationships and loyalty amidst incessant changes. To remain competitive and resilient, businesses must adopt a customer-centric approach in every aspect of their operations. The Emojot platform presents itself as a dynamic solution for this challenge, offering tools and strategies that foster robust customer relationships, anticipate market shifts, and allow businesses to adapt proactively. This blog delves into how Emojot can be a powerful ally for businesses striving to navigate and succeed in the fast-paced global economy, focusing particularly on customer-centric success.

Navigating the Digital Economy: How Emojot Empowers Businesses in Emerging Asian Markets

In the dynamic world of emerging Asian economies, the digital age is creating a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. Businesses are operating in a high-velocity environment, teeming with a tech-literate populace and a burgeoning middle class. This landscape is ripe with potential for businesses equipped with the right tools to seize real-time insights into the ever-evolving customer base. Here, Emojot, a cutting-edge tech company, stands out with its transformative customer engagement and experience solutions.

Harnessing Generative AI: Transforming Businesses in Emerging Markets

Digital transformation is a powerful trend impacting businesses worldwide, with global spending predicted to reach $2.8 trillion by 2025. This shift towards tech-savvy solutions is particularly evident in emerging markets in Africa and Asia, where digital transformation presents an opportunity to overcome traditional business challenges. Understanding and connecting with customers in these growing economies is crucial, given their diverse markets and evolving consumer base. However, conventional customer engagement methods and market research are often inadequate, as they are slow, resource-intensive, and fail to capture real-time customer sentiments and preferences. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, companies that heavily rely on customer analytics are more likely to outperform their competitors across key performance metrics such as profit, sales, sales growth, and ROI.

Navigating Market Dynamics: The Role of AI in Customer Engagement in Emerging Asian Economies

In the digital era, customer-business interactions have undergone a significant transformation. Contemporary businesses need to remain acutely aware of their customer's needs and preferences, engaging them in ways that resonate. This is particularly pertinent in the fast-paced, diverse markets of emerging Asian economies, where customer preferences are dynamic and continuously evolving. Traditional methods of customer engagement often fail to meet the demands of such vibrant markets. This is where AI-driven customer engagement steps in, revolutionizing the approach by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These technologies unlock new avenues to comprehend, engage, and retain customers in ways that were previously inconceivable.

Embracing the Subscription Economy with Emojot: Adapting SaaS Solutions to Drive Customer-Centric Transformation 

The subscription economy has been gaining significant momentum in recent years, as organizations increasingly prefer flexible and customizable subscription-based services over traditional one-time purchases. Businesses across various industries have recognized this shift in behavior and are adapting their processes and business models to stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape. In this article, we will explore how Emojot, a comprehensive and customizable SaaS platform, can help businesses embrace the subscription economy, drive customer-centric transformation and evolve day by day.

The AI-mazing Transformation: Harnessing the Synergy of AI and SaaS to Propel Businesses Forward

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world, transforming the way we live, work, and interact. With the integration of AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms into SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms, businesses can automate tasks, analyze data, and make informed decisions like never before. In this article, we will dive into how AI is changing the landscape and how Emojot, a leading provider of intelligent solutions, is leveraging AI and ML to deliver unparalleled value to users.

Addressing Marketing Challenges with Emojot’s Data-Driven Solutions

In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, marketers face numerous challenges in driving customer-centric growth and making strategic decisions. The Emojot platform offers powerful solutions that address these challenges by harnessing data from various sources and leveraging Generative AI technology to provide actionable insights.

Emojot’s Social Listening & Tracking Product:
A Comprehensive Solution for the Digital Age

In the dynamic digital realm, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, with social media and various online platforms allowing businesses to engage with larger audiences and forge stronger connections with customers. However, navigating the complexities of social media management can be overwhelming, especially amidst the continuous flow of conversations, comments, and feedback. Emojot's cutting-edge Social Listening & Tracking Product emerges as a frontrunner in leveraging generative AI capabilities, delivering actionable insights through a comprehensive analysis of clients' social media content and comparative assessments of their competitors' digital presence. By harnessing these valuable insights, businesses can make data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and drive success in an ever-evolving landscape.

Establishing a Comprehensive Risk & Control Framework for a Leading Apparel Manufacturer: A Success Story

Apparel manufacturing is a multifaceted process that necessitates efficient risk management to ensure high-quality products, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with industry standards. This case study explores how a leading apparel manufacturer leveraged the Emojot platform to digitize their Risk and Control framework, streamlining risk assessment processes and enhancing overall efficiency.

Maximizing Customer Engagement and Satisfaction with Emojot’s Email and SMS Feedback Campaigns

Collecting customer feedback is essential for businesses to succeed in today's competitive world. One global automaker has taken advantage of the Emojot platform to collect feedback from their customers using email and SMS campaigns. In this article, we will explore how the Emojot platform provides an innovative and effective solution for businesses to collect customer feedback.

Revolutionizing Visitor Management: Emojot’s Visitor Management Solution

A Visitor Management Solution is an essential tool that assists organizations in managing and monitoring visitors within their premises. Emojot’s Visitor Management Solution is a comprehensive solution that helps organizations simplify their appointment and visitor management processes. The system provides a seamless experience for both hosts and visitors, enhancing efficiency and improving security.

Simplify Your Recruitment Process with Emojot’s Applicant Tracking System

Introduction The Emojot has introduced an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software solution to help organizations improve their hiring and recruitment processes. This solution is designed to automate administrative tasks, streamline interview scheduling, simplify job advertising, and send automated notifications to relevant parties involved in the recruitment process. By implementing this solution, organizations can make better hiring decisions and save time throughout the recruitment process. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using the Emojot ATS and how it has helped the Emojot HR team. Our Solution Emojot’s ATS initiates the process by providing a URL for job applications that can be shared on multiple platforms, such as social media, job portals, company websites, newspapers, notice boards, and office locations. Candidates can visit the job application URL and view the relevant Emotion Sensor™ and submit their details seamlessly. Both Emojot ATS admins and candidates receive email notifications once an application is submitted. The ATS dashboard allows admins to view a list of candidates who have applied for a particular job and compare their responses to select potential candidates for interviews. The shortlisted, and rejected candidates receive email notifications as go forward in the recruitment process along with the ATS admins. Dynamic email templates with company branding and interview details will be sent to candidates, along with attachments and online meeting invitations when required. Meanwhile, the ATS enables the admin to put remarks when necessary. The Emojot ATS admins share the assignment with the shortlisted candidates as a URL embedded in the email. The assignment can customize based on the job vacancy and the candidate can submit the assignment with other relevant documents, images, and videos. Once the assignment is submitted, both Emojot ATS users and the candidates will notify via email. In the final stages, the ATS provides sending […]

The Emojot Wellness Program: An Innovative Approach to Monitoring and Improving Employee Wellness

Introduction Employee wellness has become an increasingly important concern for companies and organizations worldwide. The well-being of employees not only impacts their individual health and happiness but also affects overall organizational performance. As a result, many organizations are implementing processes and tools designed to monitor and improve employee wellness. An Empowering Solution to Improve Employee Wellness  The Emojot Wellness Program is an innovative approach to monitoring and improving employee wellness. It involves sending weekly Emotion Sensors™ to employees that measure their stress level, fitness, and overall well-being. The Emotion Sensors™ are made up of straightforward, emoji-based questions allowing employees to promptly and effortlessly provide responses. One exceptional feature of this procedure is that employees can record their workout hours monthly, and the winner for each month is selected based on the number of hours logged. This incentivizes employees to prioritize their fitness and exercise more regularly, improving their fitness levels. In addition to monitoring fitness, the Emojot Wellness Program tracks employees’ stress levels. If an employee’s stress level is consistently high, an alert will be sent to the top management, allowing for timely intervention and support. Metrics Breakdown The organization analyzes wellness metrics by categorizing data by department to gain insights into each team’s well-being and identify potential areas of concern. The fitness challenge metrics are shared with the entire team on a monthly basis to motivate and engage employees, while stress management-related metrics are shared only with senior management, with personally identifiable information anonymized to protect employees’ privacy. This enables senior management to make informed decisions to support and empower their workforce. Stress management notifications are sent exclusively to trained HR personnel to ensure responsible handling of sensitive information and protect employee well-being. Fitness Gamification Metrics Breakdown Business Team’s Workout Hours: A 6-Month Review Engineering Team’s Workout Hours: A […]

How Emojot’s CXM Solution Helped a Clothing Manufacturer Improve Customer Satisfaction in Real-time

Introduction B2B organizations must prioritize ensuring customer satisfaction to identify and address any issues, in order to maintain a positive relationship. A top clothing manufacturer that collaborates with major global clothing brands needs to assess their customers’ satisfaction level regarding the provided services. The company faced a challenge where a traditional survey would not suffice as it tends to tire out participants and does not meet the organization’s high user experience standards. Additionally, the company sought to view the survey results in real-time with intricate analytics and text analysis. The Solution The clothing manufacturing company’s challenge was effectively addressed by Emojot through the implementation of their Customer Experience Management (CXM) solution. The CXM solution offered by Emojot proved to be the perfect fit for the clothing manufacturing company, as it provided multiple deployment methods, including email. The company was seeking an engaging and eye-catching way to capture customer satisfaction in real-time, and Emojot’s solution achieved this through the use of a customized sensor embedded in an email sent to customers. Emojot solution consists with the following: Results The use of Emojot’s solution resulted in the following outcomes for the leading clothing manufacturer with a global client base: Conclusion In conclusion, Emojot’s Customer Experience Management solution proved to be the ideal fit for a leading clothing manufacturer seeking an effective way to capture customer satisfaction in real-time. Through the use of a customized and branded Emotion Sensor™, personalized email templates, a real-time analytics dashboard, and score-based customized reporting, Emojot was able to provide the clothing manufacturer with valuable insights into their customers’ satisfaction levels.  The company was able to identify key strengths and pain points, improve customer goodwill, and make data-driven decisions based on advanced data analysis tools and AI-based text analysis. Overall, Emojot’s solution helped the clothing manufacturer maintain a […]

Pawsitively Successful: How a Veterinary Group Transformed Customer Experience with Emojot

A group of veterinary hospitals used Emojot's solution to collect customer feedback and improve their customer experience, understand customer representative KPIs, and enhance their online presence. The Emojot platform proved to be a powerful tool that provided valuable insights into customer experience and representative KPIs. By leveraging these insights, the group was able to make informed decisions and implement targeted improvements, resulting in exceptional experiences for their clients.

Unlocking Seamless Authentication: Boost Security and Productivity with SSO and BYOI Integration

Introduction Streamlining Authentication with Single Sign-On (SSO) and BYOI Single Sign-On (SSO) is a powerful authentication technology that enables users to access multiple applications and systems using a single set of login credentials. By simplifying the login process, SSO enhances user experience, increases productivity, and strengthens security measures for businesses with employees accessing numerous applications. Gartner, a leading research and advisory firm, highlights the significant cost savings SSO offers by reducing help desk calls related to password reset. Moreover, a LastPass survey reveals that “85% of organizations are using SSO to bolster security and improve user experience.” SSO minimizes the risk of security breaches by eliminating the need for users to remember multiple login credentials, thereby reducing the likelihood of weak password reuse. Understanding SSO, Federated Access, and BYOI Federated access, a key component of SSO, refers to the sharing of authentication and authorization information across multiple systems, applications, and domains. This seamless integration facilitates streamlined authentication and authorization for users accessing various applications and systems. Bring Your Own Identity (BYOI) is another important concept closely related to SSO. It allows users to utilize their own identities, such as social media accounts or corporate credentials, to access enterprise applications. BYOI simplifies the login process across multiple platforms, reducing the need for businesses to create and manage separate user identities. Emojot Integrates SSO and BYOI Emojot now supports SSO through integration with third-party identity providers, including Google, Microsoft, and other customer-selected identity service providers under the BYOI framework (Emojot Platform Identity and Access Management (IAM) Update – Help Portal). This SSO solution allows users to access the Emojot platform using their existing login credentials from these identity providers, ensuring a secure, reliable, and user-friendly experience. It’s worth noting that Emojot’s SSO feature focuses on integrating with third-party identity providers, maintaining the […]

Going Green: How Emojot Helped a Leading Private Hospital Chain Save Costs and the Environment

The importance of employee self-assessment surveys cannot be overstated in today’s corporate world. They are a vital tool for management to gauge employee satisfaction, identify areas of improvement, and develop action plans. However, conducting these surveys can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with large employee bases. This is where the Emojot platform comes in. In this case study, we see how a leading private hospital chain’s HR department leveraged Emojot’s capabilities to conduct their annual employee self-assessment survey effectively. The Challenge The hospital chain’s HR department needed to conduct their annual employee self-assessment survey for their 4000+ employees. In previous years, the survey was conducted on paper, which was not only costly but also not environmentally friendly. Additionally, there had been no proper in-depth analysis done on data from previous years, making it difficult to track progress, get to know employees’ pain points and identify areas for improvement. The Solution The hospital chain had been using the Emojot platform for various other processes including Customer Experience Management (CMX), Work-Flow Management, and Analytics & Operations Intelligence (AOI), and it was only natural that they turned to Emojot to address their employee self-assessment needs.  The Benefits The use of Emojot’s quick solution resulted in the following outcomes for the hospital chain’s HR department: Conclusion In conclusion, this case study highlights the importance of using a platform like Emojot for conducting employee self-assessment surveys effectively. Emojot’s capabilities allowed the hospital chain’s HR department to deploy the survey cost-effectively and in an environmentally friendly way, while also providing them with the necessary tools to analyze the data effectively. The Emojot platform’s ability to consolidate employee information with survey responses and drill down to each hospital and department provides HR departments with invaluable insights that they can use to develop action plans that […]

Enhancing Employee Experience through 360-Degree Feedback Management: An Empowering Solution

Introduction 360-degree feedback management is a process that helps individuals to gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and weaknesses by receiving feedback from multiple sources. The process typically involves gathering feedback from an individual’s colleagues, supervisors, direct reports, and even external stakeholders. The feedback is collected through surveys or assessments that are designed to evaluate an individual’s performance across a variety of areas, such as leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. The feedback is then compiled into a report that provides a holistic view of the individual’s performance and areas for improvement. 360-degree feedback management can empower and enhance the employee experience in several ways. Firstly, it provides employees with a more comprehensive and objective understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement, which can help them to develop and grow professionally. Additionally, it helps employees to receive feedback from multiple sources, including peers, managers, and direct reports, which provides a more well-rounded view of their performance. This can help employees to feel more supported and valued, as they are receiving input from a variety of stakeholders. Moreover, 360-degree feedback management can help to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within an organization. When employees receive feedback regularly, it encourages them to reflect on their performance and identify areas for development, leading to personal and professional growth. Overall, by utilizing 360-degree feedback management, organizations can enhance the employee experience by providing employees with the tools and resources they need to succeed and grow, leading to increased engagement, job satisfaction, and overall organizational success. Ideal 360-Feedback Management solution Not all 360 feedback solutions are created equal. An ideal solution should have several features that make the process of collecting and analyzing feedback easy and seamless. Firstly, the solution should be easy to set up and administer. […]

Emojot Transforms Patient Feedback Management and Boosts Online Reputation for an Asian Hospital Chain

Introduction An Asia-based hospital chain aimed to improve patient satisfaction by collecting and acting on patient feedback. Although the hospital had made significant improvements in its processes, its online presence didn’t reflect these positive changes. Emojot’s platform, with its highly configurable solutions for collecting feedback across multiple channels, provided the perfect solution to the hospital’s challenges. The Solution Emojot deployed its versatile Customer Experience Management (CXM) platform to address the hospital chain’s need for efficient feedback collection and management. The solution encompassed the following components: Results By utilizing Emojot’s platform, the hospital chain achieved significant improvements in patient feedback management and their online presence: Conclusion The Emojot CXM platform proved to be a valuable tool for the Asian hospital chain, enabling them to efficiently collect patient feedback, improve internal processes, and boost its online reputation. By directing positive respondents to Google review pages and alerting staff to negative feedback, the hospital experienced significant improvements in patient satisfaction and their Google ratings.  Emojot’s innovative solutions cater to a wide range of needs, making it an indispensable asset for businesses across various industries.

Emojot Empowers Veterinary Centers with Marketing Channel Insights and Drives ROI Optimization

Introduction A group of Veterinary Centers faced the challenge of having no visibility into the performance of their marketing channels, making it difficult to allocate marketing budgets effectively. The data relating to client referral channels, revenue, and customer satisfaction was spread across multiple internal systems, each having different formats. Emojot offered a comprehensive solution to tackle these challenges and optimize the Veterinary Centers’ marketing efforts. The Solution Emojot provided a customized solution leveraging its Customer Experience Management (CXM) platform to address the Veterinary Centers’ challenges, encompassing the following components: Results By implementing Emojot’s solution, the Veterinary Centers achieved significant improvements in marketing channel visibility and budget allocation optimization: Conclusion Emojot’s customized CXM solution proved invaluable for the group of Veterinary Centers, enabling them to gain insights into marketing channel performance, customer satisfaction, and revenue data. By consolidating disparate data sources and providing real-time dashboards with drill-down capabilities, Emojot empowered the Veterinary Centers to optimize their marketing budget allocations and drive better ROI.  With Emojot’s innovative technology, businesses across various industries can transform their marketing efforts and make more informed decisions.

Empowering SMEs with Complaint Management Solutions and Workflow Management Platforms for Customer-Centric Digital Transformation

Introduction Customer satisfaction is a key element in the success of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In an increasingly competitive business environment, SMEs must prioritize customer-centric digital transformation initiatives to stay ahead. One crucial aspect of this transformation is the implementation of an efficient complaint management solution supported by a powerful workflow management platform. In this blog article, we will discuss the importance of these solutions for SMEs and how they can contribute to customer-centric digital transformation initiatives. The Importance of Complaint Management Solutions for SMEs An effective complaint management solution provides SMEs with the ability to record, track, and analyze customer complaints, helping them identify underlying issues and implement corrective measures. By resolving customer complaints promptly and efficiently, SMEs can improve customer satisfaction, maintain a positive brand image, and foster long-term customer loyalty. Leveraging Workflow Management Platforms for Digital Transformation A workflow management platform is a powerful tool that allows SMEs to design, implement, and manage complex workflows for their complaint management system. By utilizing such a platform, businesses can create custom workflows tailored to their unique complaint management needs, ensuring that the solution is flexible and adaptable. Workflow management platforms also facilitate seamless integration with other systems, such as CRM or ERP systems, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions. This integration allows SMEs to gain valuable insights into their customers’ experiences and improve their overall customer-centric digital transformation initiatives. Incorporating Emojot into Your Customer-Centric Digital Transformation Strategy While there are several workflow management platforms available, Emojot stands out as a highly customizable and efficient solution for SMEs. Emojot’s Workflow Management (WFM) platform offers a robust workflow engine, enabling businesses to create custom workflows for various complaint management scenarios. Emojot’s solution also includes key features such as omnichannel support, ticket management, prioritization, automatic assignment, automated reach-back capability, reporting […]

Emojot’s Online Reviews Management (ORM) Solution

Emojot’s Online Reviews Management (ORM) Solution
Are you struggling to manage your business’s online reputation? Are negative reviews and comments hurting your brand’s image? Emojot‘s Online Reviews Management (ORM) product can help you effectively monitor and manage your online reputation, ensuring that your brand’s image remains positive and strong. Emojot’s ORM product is a cost-effective and easy-to-deploy SaaS solution that offers a range of features designed to help you manage your online reputation with ease. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at some of the key features of Emojot’s ORM product and how they can benefit your business. Response Management Emojot’s ORM product offers a comprehensive response management feature that allows you to easily monitor and respond to reviews on over 40 standard review listing sites. This means that you can quickly and easily respond to individual reviews, addressing any concerns or issues that customers may have raised. The sentiment analysis feature of Emojot’s ORM product is particularly useful, as it allows you to get a sense of the overall sentiment of each review. This can help you to identify trends and address any issues that may be affecting your business’s online reputation. Configurable response templates and AI-driven response suggestions are also available, allowing you to quickly and easily respond to reviews with a professional and thoughtful response. Daily review alert emails with sentiment breakdowns ensure that you are always up-to-date with your business’s online reputation. Machine Learning-based review categorization is another useful feature of Emojot’s ORM product. This allows you to categorize reviews based on specific criteria, such as product or service type, and configure alerts based on those categories. This can help you to stay on top of any issues or concerns that may be affecting your business’s reputation. Ticket creation and management processes, as well as competitor analysis and bulk response […]

Enhancing Customer Engagement with Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™: The Power of Skip Logic

One of the key features of Emojot's Emotion Sensors™ is skip-logic. This feature allows for the customization of the sensor's behavior based on the data it collects, which helps to eliminate unnecessary steps and ensure that only relevant information is processed. This not only improves the accuracy and reliability of the sensor but also helps to optimize its performance. Additionally, skip logic can be used to streamline the data collection process and make it more user-friendly, which can ultimately lead to greater user satisfaction.

A $1B Software Company Gains Visibility and Improves Customer Health with Emojot’s Customer Success Management Platform

Introduction A $1B B2B software company was facing challenges in tracking the “health” of their customer accounts. The company’s data points were scattered across multiple internal platforms, with some critical data points not available in any internal systems. This led to difficulties in performing root-cause analysis for underperforming client accounts. To overcome these challenges, the company turned to Emojot’s Customer Success Management (CSM) platform. The Solution Emojot customized its cutting-edge CSM platform to address the software company’s business challenges.  The solution included: RPA Agent-Based ETL Model: Emojot utilized Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources into a unified NoSQL data storage. This process enabled efficient data retrieval and consolidation of disparate data points. Custom Scoring and Health Score Formula: Emojot’s CSM platform facilitated the creation of quantifiable data fields with custom scoring, allowing the software company to define their unique customer health score formula. This helped to accurately evaluate the overall health of customer accounts. Emojot Emotion Sensors™: To capture data points not available in any internal systems, Emojot Emotion Sensors™ were employed. These sensors effectively gathered vital information necessary for comprehensive customer health assessment. Real-Time Dashboard with Drill-Down Capabilities: Emojot provided the software company with a real-time, drag-and-drop dashboard, allowing for in-depth analysis of customer health factors. This dashboard supported root-cause analysis by enabling the company to identify fluctuations in customer health scores. Results With Emojot’s CSM platform, the software company experienced significant improvements in customer account management.  The key results included: Improved Visibility: The platform provided a clear and comprehensive view of customer account health, enabling proactive decision-making and actions. This allowed the company to address potential issues before they escalated. Real-Time Root-Cause Analysis: Emojot’s CSM platform enabled the software company to monitor fluctuations in customer health factors in real time. […]

The Power of Online Reputation Management (ORM) for Your Business

In today’s highly digitized world, the online reputation of your business is crucial to its success. Providing quality products or services is no longer enough; you must also actively manage and maintain a positive online reputation. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a process that helps you monitor, manage, and maintain your online perception by responding to negative comments, gaining positive reviews, and monitoring brand mentions. ORM is important because it can make or break your business. Consumers rely heavily on online reviews when making purchase decisions. As per Gartner, 78% of buyers check reviews before making a purchase. Having just a few bad reviews can drive away potential customers, and it can take several positive reviews to regain their trust. ORM strategies can help improve local search rankings and demonstrate customer-centricity by understanding and addressing customer needs. Emojot has an ORM platform that can assist businesses in managing their online reputation. It provides features such as review management, review automation, reputation monitoring, and search engine optimization. Emojot’s customizable response templates for positive and negative reviews, multi-site review listings monitoring with sentiment analysis indicators, and AI-based review response suggestions make it easy to manage your online reputation effectively. In conclusion, ORM is critical for businesses to thrive in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Emojot’s ORM platform can help businesses manage their online reputation effectively, resulting in increased customer loyalty, brand awareness, and revenue. Don’t leave your online reputation to chance; start managing it today with Emojot. With ORM, you can build trust and credibility among potential customers, protect your brand from negative publicity, and stay ahead of your competitors.

Streamlining Success: How Emojot’s Workflow Management Solution Transformed a Multi-disciplinary Engineering Company’s Operations

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of the modern business world, companies must employ efficient and effective strategies to maintain their edge. One approach to achieving this is by implementing digitized workflow management systems. These systems can help streamline operations, minimize errors, enhance productivity, and foster improved communication among team members. In this case study, we examine how Emojot's Work-Flow Management solution aided a medium-sized, multi-disciplinary engineering firm in overcoming its workflow obstacles.

Boosting Team Morale with Emojot Year-End Party Team Building Event Strengthened Our Team Bonds.

Introduction Team building activities have become an essential part of any organization’s culture. They are an excellent way to foster collaboration, boost morale, and build strong relationships among employees. The Emojot team last year organized a team-building activity using the Emojot platform, which turned out to be a huge success. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this activity and how it brought the team together, using the Emojot platform. The Solution The HR team at Emojot organized a year-end party, and they decided to incorporate a team-building activity into the event using the Emojot platform. They created an Emotion Sensors™ that included riddles and divided the employees into teams. The teams had to solve the riddles using the Emojot platform. The activity started with a brief introduction and rules were explained to the teams. The rules were simple, each team had to solve the riddles using the Emotion Sensors™ within a given time frame. The teams were awarded points based on the number of riddles they solved correctly and within the time frame. The riddles included in the Emotion Sensors™ were challenging, and the teams had to work together to solve them. The activity was not only fun and engaging, but it also required employees to think critically and work collaboratively. The teams were motivated to solve the riddles, and there was a sense of healthy competition among them. After each team had solved the riddles, the HR team used another Emotion Sensors™ to reveal the answers. The use of the emojot platform not only made the riddle activity more exciting but also provided valuable data on audience engagement. By the end of the activity, everyone was fully engaged, and the energy in the room was electric. The Result The Emojot team building activity was a […]

Building Strong and Engaged Virtual Teams with Emojot Platform’s Team Building Solution

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work and interact with our colleagues. The sudden shift to remote work has left many companies struggling to maintain their team’s productivity and morale. The Emojot team was no exception to this challenge. When the Emojot team started working from home, the HR team realized that the bonding between team members was not very strong due to remote work. As a result, the HR team decided to find a solution to maintain the team’s bonding despite the remote work environment. The Solution The Emojot team had an advantage in finding a solution to maintain team bonding despite the remote work environment – the Emojot platform itself. The platform offers virtual team-building solutions that can be tailored to the team’s needs. The HR team decided to leverage the platform’s team-building quizzes to create interactive sessions. These quizzes cover a wide range of topics, from general knowledge to company-specific trivia. Results The team-building quizzes were a hit among the Emojot team members. The quizzes provided an opportunity for team members to interact with each other and have some fun while doing it. The quizzes were designed in a way that allowed team members to showcase their knowledge and skills. The winners were displayed on a leaderboard, which added an element of healthy competition to the sessions. Overall, the Emojot platform’s virtual team-building solutions have been a great success for the Emojot team. They have helped team members stay connected and engaged, even though they are working remotely. The sessions have provided a much-needed break from the monotony of work and have helped team members have some fun and get to know each other better. Conclusion In conclusion, virtual team building is an effective way to maintain team bonding and productivity in the remote […]

Driving Customer Delight for a Leading Supermarket Chain: A Case Study

The retail landscape has experienced a massive transformation in recent years, with businesses adapting to evolving consumer lifestyles through online retail stores and physical supermarket outlets. A leading supermarket chain in Asia sought to enhance its customer experience by leveraging data-driven insights and expediting complaint resolution. By partnering with Emojot, the supermarket chain aimed to maintain and strengthen its position in the market, ensuring customer satisfaction.

The Pulse of Progress: How Emojot’s Work-Flow Management Solution Reshaped Facilities Management At A Hospital Chain

In the dynamic world of healthcare, hospitals, and medical facilities are constantly striving to provide the highest quality of care while managing intricate logistical operations. Facilities Management plays a crucial role in this pursuit, ensuring patient safety, satisfaction, and overall comfort during their stay. As the size and complexity of modern hospital chains increase, encompassing numerous departments, teams, and interconnected processes, managing these operations becomes even more challenging. Inefficient workflows and communication breakdowns can significantly impact patient care and safety. Emojot's Workflow Management solution offers a focused approach to tackle these challenges, streamlining processes and promoting effective communication across the organization. This case study explores how a hospital chain with nearly 800 beds has successfully implemented Emojot's solution to optimize its facilities management processes, ultimately enhancing patient care quality.

Embracing Customer-Centric Digital Transformation: A Must for SMEs in Today’s Competitive Landscape

The digital era has changed the business landscape dramatically, placing an increased emphasis on customer-centricity and digital transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must understand the importance of these factors and adapt to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving market. Customer-centricity has become a critical differentiator for businesses across industries. A Deloitte study found that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those that don’t prioritize customer experience. Moreover, a PwC report reveals that 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand they love after just one bad experience. Digital transformation also plays a crucial role in business success. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), worldwide spending on digital transformation technologies will reach a staggering $2.3 trillion in 2023. SMEs must invest in digital transformation initiatives to keep up with customer demands and market trends. To embrace customer-centric digital transformation, SMEs should consider the following strategies: Focus on Customer Experience Management (CXM): Collecting and analyzing real-time customer feedback is vital for understanding customer satisfaction levels and identifying areas for improvement. Effective CXM helps businesses enhance overall customer experiences and fosters long-term customer relationships. Prioritize Online Reviews Management (ORM): With 88% of consumers trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations, according to a BrightLocal survey, ORM has become essential for maintaining a positive online reputation and attracting new customers. Implement Customer Success Management (CSM): Optimizing customer relationships drive customer advocacy and sustains corporate growth. Bain & Company found that a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a 25% to 95% increase in profits. Streamline Workflow Management: Efficient workflows improve team productivity and reduce manual intervention. By automating processes such as complaints management and visitor management, businesses can focus more on their customers. Engage in Employee 360-Degree Performance Management: Engaged employees are vital for a customer-centric […]

Emojot Voice of Audience Solution: An Innovative Way to Push Questions from the Audience to the Panelists

Have you ever attended a conference, seminar, or webinar where you had a burning question but didn’t get the chance to ask it? Or maybe you didn’t feel comfortable raising your hand or asking your question in front of a large audience. These situations can be frustrating, and many attendees end up feeling unheard or ignored. Fortunately, the Emojot Voice of Audience Solution is here to solve this problem. The Emojot Voice of Audience Solution is a cutting-edge product that allows event organizers to capture audience feedback and questions in real-time. With this solution, attendees can use Emotion Sensor™ to submit their questions via a web or mobile app, which are then pushed to the panelists. This makes it easier for attendees to participate in events and feel heard, even if they’re not comfortable speaking up in front of a large audience.

Enhancing Call Center Efficiency and Caller Experience with Emojot’s Automation Solution

Introduction The education industry is highly competitive, and it’s critical for institutions to engage with prospective students effectively. For a leading education provider offering a wide range of disciplines, this meant addressing a key issue that was causing them to miss out on potential students.  The education provider’s call center played a crucial role in engaging with prospective students, but the manual processes in place were hindering its efficiency. The high volume of daily inquiries led to errors in recording and reporting data, prompting the institute to seek a solution for streamlining the call center operations and improving the overall student experience. Furthermore, various common issues were identified in the call center operation, such as the need for training to manage the labor-intensive manual processes, a lack of synchronization between the call center and student information systems leading to inaccuracies, and difficulty in maintaining the necessary material for prospective students online. The Solution Leveraging its cutting-edge workflow automation solution, Emojot provided the education institute with a customized solution to automate their call center operations. By addressing the institute’s specific needs, Emojot was able to enhance the overall student and call center experience and improve operational efficiency.  The call center automation solution involves: Results By utilizing Emojot’s solution, the education provider was able to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their key customer touch points, resulting in the following: Conclusion In conclusion, Emojot‘s call center automation solution has proven to be highly effective for the education provider, allowing them to streamline their operations and enhance the overall student experience. With Emojot’s customized solution, the institute was able to improve call center efficiency, increase engagement with prospective students, and make data-driven decisions with ease. These results have undoubtedly given the institute a competitive edge in the highly competitive education industry.

Emojot Engagement Alerts: A Revolutionary Way to Monitor User Satisfaction

Monitoring feedback can be challenging, especially when multiple customers are sharing their opinions simultaneously. However, neglecting customer feedback can lead to lower performance compared to companies that prioritize it. Emojot's Engagement Alerts solution aims to revolutionize this process by providing a way to monitor and address customer feedback effectively.

Overcoming Language Barriers with Emojot’s Localization Feature for Effective Employee Feedback

Gathering effective feedback from employees is critical for the growth and success of any company, as it enhances employee engagement and improves operational efficiency and productivity. However, it can be challenging to gather feedback from a diverse workforce, particularly when language barriers exist. In this article, we will discuss how an apparel manufacturing company overcame this challenge using the Emojot platform.

Why an All-In-One SaaS Platform is the Ultimate Solution for Your Business!

Are you considering investing in a SaaS solution for your business? If so, you might be wondering whether it’s better to opt for an all-in-one platform or a set of best-of-breed solutions. While both have their advantages, in this article, we’ll explore why an all-in-one SaaS platform might be the better choice for your business. First, let’s clarify what we mean by an all-in-one SaaS platform. Essentially, it’s a software solution that offers a range of features and functionalities that can serve multiple needs of your business. For example, an all-in-one SaaS platform might offer customer experience management tools, workflow management capabilities, and email marketing features all in one package. On the other hand, best-of-breed solutions are specialized software tools that are designed to excel in a particular area. For example, you might use one best-of-breed solution for customer experience management, another for workflow management, and a third for email marketing campaigns. So, why might an all-in-one SaaS platform be the better choice? Here are a few reasons to consider: Seamless integration Seamless integration When you opt for an all-in-one SaaS platform, you get a set of tools that are designed to work together seamlessly. That means you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues or integrating data from one tool to another. Instead, you can focus on using the tools to run your business. Lower costs Investing in multiple best-of-breed solutions can be expensive. Each tool typically comes with its own subscription fee, and you might also need to pay for integration services to get them all working together. With an all-in-one SaaS platform, you can often get all the tools you need for a lower overall cost. Easier to manage Having multiple best-of-breed solutions can also make things more complicated from a management perspective. You might need to […]

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Uses Emojot to Gain Dealer Insight as They Prepare for the “New Normal” in Selling Vehicles

The Covid-19 crisis has upended life as we knew it. Preparing for a “new normal”, one of USA’s largest automobile manufacturers, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), has started to re-imagine the vehicle selling process. FCA is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, and has more than 2600 dealerships across the United States. FCA has a culture of engaging with their dealership stakeholders in order to understand their on-the-ground realities when making strategic decisions. As the Covid-19 crisis forced businesses across the United States to shutter up, FCA has started to explore how they could adapt their vehicle selling processes in the “new normal” to cater to Americans emerging from their shelter-at-home period. Amongst the strategies they are considering are how they could systemize remote new vehicle delivery options for sales and test drives. FCA has been using the Emojot platform to regularly and effectively engage with their dealership network stakeholders who are at the frontline of selling and delivering vehicles, parts, and services, for the Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Fiat, Ram, and Maserati brands. When FCA needed to get quick feedback on remote vehicle delivery and test drive scheduling software options for their post-Covid19 planning, they turned to Emojot to rapidly deploy a 2-minute visual survey. Emojot deployed the campaign for FCA in less than 6 hours. The geo-map below shows the coverage density of the survey respondents from FCA dealerships who responded while “working from home”. Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have consistently received high response rates amongst FCA dealership stakeholders, and this campaign which was launched in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis followed the same trend, both in terms of quantitative question responses as well as qualitative comments. Since Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ have intelligence on the front end, we are able to provide FCA with the added insight on role segmentation, and […]

Emojot Powers the Weekly Business Temperature of COVID-19 Impact on Silicon Valley Companies

Data-driven insight is powerful, particularly in a crisis! People, businesses, and governments around the world are dealing with the paralyzing effect caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. These effects manifest and change daily! In such a significantly changing landscape, the need to understand the substantial impact of the crisis on companies is very important. The strategies and critical decisions that businesses adopt to deal with the impact on their corporate financial ‘health’ inevitably have an effect on the larger state and country economies. The San Francisco Bay Area’s Alliance of Chief Executives have weathered through 2 other major crises in their 24-year history – the 2000 dot.com crash and the 2008 world financial crisis. But now they face possibly the most serious crisis! According to Paul Witkay, the Founder and CEO of the Alliance of CEOs, “Although no one enjoys these crises, my experience has been that times like these force CEOs to think more creatively and generate more counter-intuitive strategies.” In classic Silicon Valley-style, the Alliance of CEOs swung into action in mid-March, by deciding to launch a weekly business sentiment trend analysis with a 1-minute CEO Business Trends Survey. The results are published within 24 to 36 hours of deployment, every week. Their objective is to leverage this weekly trend analysis of how Bay Area CEOs are experiencing the COVID-19 crisis to help them all plan more effectively and make better decisions. Additionally, the survey engagement was designed to provide an easy way to let the CEO Alliance leadership know if their company executives had any questions or challenges that might be helped by someone else in the Alliance community of CEOs. How has your business changed during the pandemic?[emojot type = “button” size=”small” key=”5770bdd408a69b2050a9764f” id=”5770bba70409e08c75a46b04_5ecf8361bcf5270010920cf1″ clientid=”TxflwzfAaMujFELGh_egokuaUnAa” clientsecret=”db6b2R0xXbw9dgU9Ig7pHfh6AMoa”] The CEO Alliance uses the Emojot platform, to efficiently deploy these […]

How Emojot Works for Restaurants

Having a restaurant doesn’t boil down to providing appetizing food but also providing a great service to your guests – it’s all about creating a customer experience that will generate repeat business for you in the long run. With an influx of technological advancements, modern dining has transformed into a new paradox of acting far beyond the physical experience. The use of mobile apps has begun driving everything from ordering, tracking, delivery, pick-up and opinion-sharing too. This shift puts your guests in the driver’s seat and your success is dependent on how you can maintain consistent customer engagement to create a long-lasting emotional connection with them. According to Deloitte’s restaurant customer experience survey, 60% of guests said a positive experience will cause them to dine at the restaurant more frequently. So, it pretty much depends on having a feasible customer experience strategy. A strategy that would yield beneficial results to your customers and the growth of your restaurant as well. Do you think creating a positive experience will make guests dine more at the restaurant? As a restaurant owner, you should primarily think of what your guests truly want. And, we know this can be a challenging task with an influx of guests visiting your restaurant day in and day out. But it is important to action upon this. With the basis of restaurant competition evolving during this day and age, it is important to hear your customers out and drive factors that help in achieving your restaurant’s mission – menu, taste, price, convenience, staff and safety. And that too by using a user-friendly method that can engage your guests in real-time and generate information. Information that would empower you to initiate best decision-making practices. This gold-mine of information is what we refer to as data. Data that can be […]

How Emojot Works for Logistics?

With the rapid growth of technologies, our lives continue to change extensively. Research has pointed out that technology adoption is the most powerful tool for organizations to maintain their competitive edge. The survival of an organization in the age of an evolving knowledge-based economy depends on how they improve their technological capabilities, across all business operations. Keeping this focus area in mind, organizations should develop and implement sufficient methodologies and modern technologies in the logistics field and integrate collaborative logistics processes to be even more competitive. A growing number of logistics organizations are pressurized to change their traditional management style – operationally and organizationally – to a more robust, integrated system that will help increase speed of information flow for rapid decision-making practices. To reach this goal, organizations should invest on new information and communication technologies. Essentially, the type of technologies that would provide vital information such as customer feedback/customer sentiment at their fingertips. The type of information that would help them understand customer satisfaction levels with the services they provide. This information can certainly be generated by a simple, yet effective customer engagement platform. A solution that follows an effective customer engagement process that would primarily act as the voice of your customers – across all your logistics business operations. And most importantly a solution that uses something as simple as an ‘Emotion Sensors™’ that can be used across all digital platforms – be it a Kiosk, Email, Whatsapp, Viber etc.  Wouldn’t it be thrilling to know how your customers felt about the efficiency of your services? Or, wouldn’t it be even more thrilling to understand which of your services require improvements, and that too straight from the horse’s mouth? We know that Emojot’ voice of customer solution not only has the ability to translate into an effective customer […]

How Emojot Works for Healthcare?

With the acceleration of advanced technology in the world today, the field of patient experience has exploded. As population health efforts grow rapidly, efforts to engage patients about their own healthcare services have become a very popular concept. However, these two concepts – patient experience and engagement – seem disconnected. Although some healthcare professionals talk about engagement in health, they don’t improvise the essential experience of it. Yes, some of them do talk about patient experience but they sometimes forget to focus on an engagement mechanism that’s highly effective. What we refer to here is patient engagement that would help them focus on a faster decision-making strategy that would prove as a positive outcome in terms of the services they provide.  If an effective decision-making strategy is not in place, it limits their improvisation scope that won’t help them realize their full potential as a healthcare professional. To solve the disconnection between patient experience and engagement levels, technology vendors have come into the picture to create intelligent, empathetic solutions. With an influx of solutions to pick from, it all boil downs to picking a best-suited technology platform that would act as a foundation to reinforce excellence and help healthcare professionals improve services as and when it is required. So, what kind of solution can really help you eradicate the experience-engagement disconnect? Essentially, it’s a solution that follows an effective customer engagement methodology that would primarily act as the voice of patients (your customers) – across all your departments. Wouldn’t it be great if you could understand how your patients felt every time they pay you a visit? Or, wouldn’t it be greater if they tell you what you’re doing wrong, what you’re doing right and suggest on how you can make things right? We believe that Emojot’ voice of customer […]

What is an Emotion Sensor™?

Wouldn’t it be great if technology could help your organization understand your customers’ feelings and step in to give you insights on which problem needs fixing, prevent you from doing something that’s not beneficial and point out the return on investment on what you’re doing right? Imagine yourself when a deadline is drawing near, and your software keeps giving you a tough time. Or, maybe you’re upset at your immediate boss and struggle to tell him/her how you feel about his treatment towards you. Imagine yourself when your customers complain about your products/services on social media and destroy the brand image you have built up over the years? It’s an awful experience to go through isn’t it? This is where emotionally aware systems can step in and play a vital role to your brand/organization. Be it your customers, your employees or your target audiences – they need to be understood, at any given point in time. Why, you may wonder? Understanding these segments will certainly become more valuable to your business at each step of a predictable “emotional pathway” as they can transition from being unconnected to being highly satisfied to perceiving brand differentiation to being fully connected. To get to one transitioning point to the other, it is important to engage with your customers to know how they truly feel and connect with them thereafter by acting on what’s necessary. You must know that, connected customers are bound to define the success or failure of your business. To perform this task easily, our platform uses a visual survey mechanism that can be used in a simplified manner to capture emotions of the voice of customers, voice of employees or voice of audiences. Why use a visual survey mechanism? It’s simply because we are visual creatures and 30% of our […]

How the Emojot Platform Works

With the advancement of technology, a multitude of organizations across the globe have access to more data than ever before. This influx of data leads to a blind-sighted organizational approach. Organizational success cannot be achieved by simply a ‘more data’ factor. Instead, it can only be achieved by using the ‘right data’ at the ‘right time’. By using this approach, data is converted into ‘experience data’ to best-suit your organizational needs. Keeping this approach in mind we developed a new imperative –Emojot – a platform that uses Emotion Sensors™ to capture customer experience data coupled with versatile back-end capabilities to track and manage the data gathered. In layman terms we refer to it as translating human emotions/feelings/expressions into sentiment data that is bound to be useful for all businesses spanning across different industries.  Then & Now If you look back in time, traditional surveys have been the most straightforward method in capturing customer experiences merely due to the low accuracy rates achieved in terms of alternate experience tracking technologies. And to add to that, the opt-in rates have been reported extremely low for traditional surveys – a sad reality. However, with Emojot’ survey methodology of using an array of gamification techniques coupled with emojis/pictograms makes engagement simple and fun – convincing your customers/employees/audiences want to engage with you, more than ever before. Compared to traditional surveys, Emojot’ customer journey orchestration feature allows you to ask the right questions, at the right time – a dire need of any business during this day and age that has an exceedingly high competitive landscape.  It Doesn’t Just Stop There The platform also includes a very powerful, built-in ‘Business Hierarchy’ feature that helps businesses map out their existing hierarchies when modelling experience data. For example, watermarking real-time customer experience data, of different rooftops of any […]

VOC in Action: How Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ Could Have Circumvented Corporate Conundrums

Corporate executives often spend so much time mulling over figures, stressing over projections, and brainstorming with strategists that they forget the single most valuable source of information they have when it comes to expanding their enterprises: their customers. Especially during difficult times, ignoring your current clients’ feelings and opinions could be catastrophic for your company. Your existing patrons are a font of knowledge when it comes to your branding, products, design, customer service, and more. VOC, or “voice of consumer” technology captures this precious data and provides it to your company so you can act on it. Emojot’s platform has made great strides forward in the already cutting-edge world of VOC by adding our unique twist on this technology. Rather than asking dull, textual survey questions that customers are likely to send straight to their spam folder or pestering them to provide their opinions over the phone, Emojot has devised short, sweet, state-of-the-art “Emotion Sensors™.” These unique surveys ask customers to share their feelings the way most of us have become accustomed to in this digital day and age: with whimsical, graphic, and powerfully expressive emojis! Our Emotion Sensors™ encourage engagement and give customers an outlet to easily share the emotions that drive their purchasing decisions.[emojot type = “button” size=”small” key=”59b64d52de4358b90f039047″ id=”59b64d50a430d8b91b542843_5a2a4d5771cb563c4ad7bf65″] Emojot’s Emotion Sensors™ has an astounding track record of proven success around the world, but this exceptional platform is still relatively new. We are confident that our VOC products will forever change the corporate world. Just imagine what kinds of disasters could have been avoided if more companies had known about these charming, interactive surveys and used the vast, valuable data collected wisely! That’s precisely what we’ve done in the following blog. Read on to find out how the history of the three companies could have been completely […]

An Introduction to Customer Experience Management

If you own or run an enterprise, you know that your customers are the bedrock of your business. The way they think and feel about your brand color every choice they make. Every time you design a new product, release an improved service, mock up an advertisement, write a press release, call a client, ship an order, or perform numerous other vital actions, you influence your customers’ perception of your brand. Of course, with this in mind, maintaining good relationships with your clients can start to seem monumentally overwhelming. Taking on this aspect of your business might leave you with more questions than answers. What if your customers don’t like your new website design? How would they feel if you raised your prices slightly? Why didn’t they respond to the commercial you painstakingly filmed? Fortunately, there are twenty-first century tools you can use to answer these very questions and tackle this particular part of modern business. This is where Customer Experience Management comes into play. Today’s advanced technology can help you understand, foster relationships with, and, ultimately, profit from your customers better than ever before. Emojot’s products are at the cutting edge of this growing field. In the following blog, we introduce you to Customer Experience Management and explain our outstanding offerings in this area. What is Customer Experience Management? You may have heard the term “Customer Experience Management” thrown around online or at conferences, but if you don’t understand it’s full definition, then it will mean little more to you than a collection of buzzwords. Customer Experience Management actually has quite a precise meaning, as defined by Tech Target: “Customer experience management (CEM or CXM) is the collection of processes a company uses to track, oversee, and organize every interaction between a customer and the organization throughout the customer […]

Your Gut Feel on Who’s Speaking the Truth: Donald Trump or Stormy Daniels?

We are all aware of the accusations made by Stormy Daniels to Donald Trump. Daniels is an adult-film actress who was on the radar of several mainstream news outlets in the initial days of the presidential campaign. During this period reporters from ABC, Fox News, the Daily Beast and Slate.com pursued a potentially explosive story stating that Daniels had allegedly had an affair with Trump in 2006, only a couple months after Trump’s wife, Melania, had given birth to their son, Barron. Daniel’s story included multiple sexual assault allegations against Trump and the controversy over his vulgar remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video. However, no one really went with the story. Why exactly wasn’t the story reported at the presidential election time. Was it because it could have possibly intensified questions surrounding his character before the public gave in their vote? Although the news has gone completely viral, the White House has denied that this affair existed. To add to that, Daniels made a statement on how Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen had created a limited liability company to pay Daniels $130,000 ahead of the 2016 presidential election as part of a “hush agreement” to keep quiet about the alleged affair with Trump. Daniels also stated that she was forced to sign the document and her legal team including her attorney Michael Avenatti said that the agreement is invalid as it was never signed by Trump. With the White House refusing to answer if Trump was aware of porn star payment, are they trying to cover Trump’s tracks or are they trying to avoid a falsified statement made by Daniels? And the latest on this news trail would be the fact that Daniels’ attorney Avenatti has filed a motion in federal court seeking to depose Trump and Cohen to inquire about […]

Store Versus Screen: Black Friday in the Twenty-First Century

For decades, Black Friday has loomed large in the retail world, as we discussed in the first in our series of blogs on this extraordinary shopping event. In fact, even the phrase “Black Friday” might conjure up images of long lines twisting around storefronts, crowds of people clustered in front of glass doors about to open, and masses of fast-moving shoppers rushing through aisles. In fact, many view this shopping event as an annual outing, and its attendance even outpaces that of popular amusement parks. According to U.S. News and World Report, “Americans spend more time shopping on Thanksgiving weekend than they do visiting Disney hot spots,” with a stunning “fifty-five percent of Americans” partaking in the purchasing. As most Black Friday aficionados can attest, there is a particular satisfaction in discovering the perfect sale item in the store and carrying it triumphantly out the doors. At the same time, digital technology has transformed nearly every facet of modern life, and shopping is no exception. In all likelihood, you use a digital cart just as often as a real one, clicking on your favorite items rather than taking the time to go pick them up in the store. The magic of Black Friday has always been in making holiday shopping more convenient for customers, understanding and catering to their needs. While this unique retail event still undoubtedly takes place in person, it is increasingly popular online, as well. The savviest companies leverage both in-person and Internet Black Friday techniques to attract customers and amplify their profits during the holiday season. At Emojot, we use sophisticated technology to help businesses better understand how their customers feel. Our innovative Emotion Sensors® allow respondents (emoters) to express their emotions using their favorite digital tools – emojis! We are passionate about helping enterprises expand […]